If you want to check out the full page and see the answer to "How does a young, laid-off journalist recover?" (that was verbatim), go here http://tinyurl.com/db874h .
I just don't know what to say...
This blog used to be about my life in China. Then, I left China. I became a graduate journalism student at Columbia University (yeah, I got into a fancy-pants school). Then, I graduated. Thankfully. Now, I'm in France. I go to school (still!) and I intern. Paris is awesome, so I write about that now. I also post things I like that I find in the news. And I have Twitter, too. Comments are appreciated. Should you care to e-mail me, you may do so at mailecannon@gmail.com.
You read the article (with great care) and then you decide as an about-to-be-laid-off-journalist that you appreciate the dramatic irony of this picture even as you cry big fat tears inside your soul at the sadness of your fate.
Then you decide to go into TV because a friend of yours is convinced you're destined to ROCK at an 'Ask Ms. Cannon' show! ;)
Yeah, Miles, you prob'ly belong on the screen. Mmwah!
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